Monday, August 26, 2013

5th Avenue Signs Shoprite

"Shoprite will have a distribution centre accommodating House and Home  at the new industrial park developed by Improvon called Gosforth Park in Gauteng”, says Shaun Watters, director of 5th Avenue Properties.

The development is located just off the N3 highway and will set the standard for  the other business parks and estates developed along the N3. It is the beginning of a sustainable ‘Green Precinct’ that is being constructed with cutting-edge technology and building practices that are destined to become the industry standard.

The development will consist of five warehouses to be developed over four years.(Two of the warehouses are occupied namely by House and Home and TFD.

“Shoprite is set to occupy their warehouse in January 2014,” says Watters.  “The facility will consist of just over 20 000m2 with a lease period of 10 years.”  There is also a strong office and commercial component. The green features are a bonus allowing tenants to reduce their environmental footprint.

To reduce energy consumption, each building will incorporate a photo voltaic system which reduces reliance on traditional power sources from Eskom. All excavated material is being crushed and reused. Each building will have a rain water attenuation system which recycles rainwater for use in toilet cisterns.  In order to regulate temperatures and minimize power consumption, insulation to walls, floors and ceilings and double glazing to windows will be installed. The development has a centralised refuse area and all rubbish is recycled.

“We are delighted to introduce Shoprite into this state-of-the-art environment and look forward to  further developments of this kind,” says Watters.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

The Pros and Cons of Buying Commercial Property

It is tempting to buy a property for your business.  Owning property is always a good investment and with each bond repayment you are increasing your asset rather than paying off your landlord’s bond. Over a decade or two of ownership, occupancy costs for the business will approach zero assuming that the bond would’ve been paid off.  Various tax advantages also apply.

You get to decide on the best use of space without having to pander to a difficult landlord or deal with annual rent increases.  Any unused space can be leased out to other small business, reducing your monthly costs and adding an income.  However, being a landlord has its own costs – the hassle of managing leases, collecting rent, replacing tenancies etc. These are fairly straightforward tasks when handled by a dedicated property management firm, but tricky to extract maximum value when it is not your core business.

It’s a big decision to make, so ensure that you have sufficient cash-flow for building maintenance, rates and taxes and insurance, as well as a cash-flow to run your business. Typically, you will have a 70:30 loan to equity percentage. 5th Avenue Properties will give you expert advice in order to get the best loan terms.  Regardless of which bank you go with, the lending fundamentals are the same: what rental income will the property generate? Is this income market related in terms of rental? Is this affordable to the purchaser/tenant? Is the purchase price market related?  Allow us to assess these risks for you.

We will help ensure that the space will accommodate growth and is also easily saleable/rentable should you need to re-locate. A new or growing business may experience unexpected needs in the future.  If your business continues growing, your owned premises may become inadequate, forcing a sale of the property which can be difficult, in particular if you’ve customized it in a way that narrows its appeal to the general market.

It is critical to purchase under expert advice. A reputable commercial broker, such as 5th Avenue, will provide you with a short list of appropriate properties. 5th Avenue Properties have an in depth knowledge and are able to provide critical information including recent transactions in the area, vacancy levels, demand, rentals and market prices. This information will assist in determining the right purchase price.  We are also able to provide property evaluations, negotiate lease terms with potential tenancies and provide planning and due diligence solutions.

However, bear in mind that buying commercial property will initially cost far more upfront.  There are the building transfer, appraisal and on–going maintenance costs along with a typical substantial down payment (+/- 30% of the value if the building) and possible property improvement costs.

Make an educated decision about whether to buy or lease a property for your business with the assistance of 5th Avenue Properties

For Warehouses TO LET - Click here

For office space in Johannesburg or offices to let in Johannesburg contact 5th Avenue Property

See our links to available:
Commercial Property | Industrial Property | Offices TO LET
or just visit our  website: 

Monday, March 11, 2013

Job Creation and Skills Development in the Construction Industry

“We are delighted that Higher Education and Training Minister, Dr Blade Nzimande, has declared 2013 the "Year of the Artisan", says Steve Burnett of 5th Avenue Properties

South Africa needs more artisans as part of the national strategy to deal with the shortage of critical skills. A significant part of the construction sector consists of SMME’s.  Skills development is vital to their continued growth and development. However, many of the smaller companies do not have the necessary resources to provide training. In addition there is often a lack of continuity in employment in the construction sector, meaning that employees are often not with the company long enough to receive sufficient training.

The launch of “Year of the Artisan” is a direct intervention by the government to systematically address the shortage of skills in the country.  Young engineers can hugely influence job creation and have a drive to succeed.  They will also develop into project managers. Our shortage of skilled project managers often has significant consequences for building projects, affecting both budget and schedule. 

The government is also taking steps to improve skills training for blue collar workers through the National Skills Development Strategy and the Register of Contractors which aims to regulate the tendering process and address human resource development in the industry. The massive investment in infrastructure is intended to generate skills and boost much needed job creation.
"There is a need to define skills and allow recruitment that will lead to skills transfer to grow our economy”, added Burnett. “More companies in the private sector need to take up the challenge and urgently assist the government with our skills shortages at all levels”.

For office space in Johannesburg or offices to let in Johannesburg contact 5th Avenue Property
Warehouses to let in Johannesburg

See our links to available:
Commercial Property | Industrial Property | Offices TO LET
or just visit our  website: 

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Minister Gugile Nkwinti on Foreign Land Ownership

If policies proposed on property investment, including those limiting foreign land ownership, are implemented in South Africa, an exodus of foreign investors from the country would represent a real threat to both the commercial and agriculture property sectors.

There have been complaints from ministers that foreigners owned a substantial proportion of South African land. Rural Development and Land Reform Minister Gugile Nkwinti said “We want foreign investment in our country, but we also have to deal with the question that asks how we share the land amongst the growing population.”

The current proposal is to integrate the forms of land ownership – communal, state, public and private – into a single, four-tiered system. It proposed to convert state and public land to leasehold; privately owned land to freehold but with limited “extent” (possibly caps on the amount of land); land owned by foreigners to freehold, but with certain obligations and conditions; and communally owned land to communal tenure, with institutionalized use rights. South Africa still operates an old system of the 99-year leasehold.

The proposed land reform policy risks making potential investors think twice.  It is crucial that the state completes a long-awaited land audit, including that of state owned land before even contemplating affecting foreign land ownership.

“We believe,” says Steve Burnett of 5th Avenue Properties, “that the Constitution points the way for property law, but leaves the matter of transformation in the end for South Africans to resolve politically and democratically.”

‘The commercial and industrial property sectors are under less threat than the agricultural sector. We have confidence that this sector of the property market will continue to grow and provide excellent returns for investors.

Warehouses To Let in Johannesburg

5th Avenue Properties

+27 (011) 234 6111
+27 (0) 861 234 611
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